Methods for collecting empirical data

Given the chosen sources of information and in accordance with the goals, objectives and topic of the project a balanced mix of qualitative and quantitative research methods will be implemented.

First, in accordance with the purposes of the prject, at the first stage research techniques based on quantitative methods will be implemented. The quantitative method used in the research will be the method of a standardized interview (face-to-face interview). This method will be applied for the implementation of a nationally representative survey of the population of Bulgaria (15+ years old) on Factor Determination of the“Shadow Economy” and Relevant Approaches to Its Limitation, with a sample size of 1,800 individuals.

Second, the following qualitative methods will be implemented at the second stage of the project: 1) in-depth interviews, and 2) expert evaluations. The team has considerable experience (having carried out more than 80 studies) in applying qualitative methods. The team researchers are familiar in detail with the specifics, cognitive potential and instrumental limitations of these methods. This guarantees that qualitative methods will be applied adequately and in strict observance of the methodological rules and standards.

The application of the qualitative and quantitative methods for the purpose of this project is elaborated in detail in section 4.1. Description of the work program.